What Is Greenfield Implementation and How Does It Work?


Organizations must evolve, transform and implement new systems to achieve a new strategic plan and catch up with the changes in the market and technological environment. 

While implementing these systems, one must have a clear project to guide how to implement the project to minimize potential errors carefully. Thus, every organization must implement a greenfield project, a guideline for creating new systems or system changes.

A greenfield implementation refers to the process of beginning from a traditional system and then developing and implementing a new system to meet organizational needs, such as system changes. Sometimes it involves eliminating the existing system and creating a new one from scratch. 

Successful greenfield implementation must follow clear guidelines to avoid any errors.

What Does Greenfield Implementation Mean?

Just like the name, it means creating a system straight from the ground or from nothing and creating a new system that did not exist previously. 

The creation involves creating a system from where none existed to create a new system to replace the traditional way of doing things. For existing systems, the team eliminates the old system and begins creating a new one based on the organization’s needs. 

Greenfield implementation can sometimes be challenging due to complicated processes and the need for expertise to achieve all the changes. 

For companies such as insurance businesses, new systems are critical for compliance, meeting market changes, and adapting to the latest technological changes. However, for such organizations, the systems are complicated and wide-scales hence the need for expert services to manage the change and the new system implementation. 

Hiring the expert will help create new Guidewire cloud systems for the company to rely on for various systems information and activities.  

The other benefit of hiring expert services is choosing from existing packages and deciding which is ideal for your company based on the insurance needs. The packs to select from include the Guidewire Cloud starter pack, Guidewire Cloud lite pack, and Guidewire Cloud, depending on the company’s needs.

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Old way or new way (in yellow) roadmarking

With the new system and implementation process, you go through all the system implementation processes to achieve and meet all organizational needs. The goal is to eliminate the drawbacks associated with traditional system implementation, such as reducing risks and avoiding uncertainties. Due to these activities, greenfield implementation can also be referred to as greenfield projects. 

Unlike the brownfield approach, the greenfield approach involves ideal replacement and significant disruption of the entire system. The brownfield involves creating or replacing new systems without significantly disrupting existing processes. The greenfield approach means entire disruption, creating something new from the existing. 

Stages of Greenfield Project

Successful greenfield implementation involves various stages and phases, which must be carefully followed to avoid risks and uncertainties associated with new systems development.

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A Plan with Phases of Project Management on the board.

1. Defining The Project Scope

The initial and most impactful stages of the greenfield approach involve defining what the project would be about. This first stage should include the identification of all the relevant stakeholders to use and depend on the new system.

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Project manager working on laptop and updating tasks and milestones progress planning with Gantt chart scheduling interface for company on virtual screen. Business Project Management System

 Once you identify all the relevant stakeholders, you must allocate the tasks for the different stakeholders and assign them different roles involved in creating the new system. The successful implementation involves identifying the relevant stakeholders and their impacts on the system. 

2. Market Research and Data Collection

Secondly, you must conduct market research involving market study and analysis by collecting all the relevant data from various market players. The research or data collection process involves targeting customers, competitors, and regulators to collect all the relevant data from them. Focus more on customer needs, preferences, benefits, and compliance. 

The data collected will involve collecting data on customer needs and competitors, analyzing industry practices, and identifying how the target audience would benefit from the new and created system. To collect the data, companies should use market surveys, review data, competitor analysis, regulator’s policies, and new industry performance statistics. 

Data collection and market research are significant for creating new insights into what the new system should achieve and how it would benefit. It is critical for decision-making strategies and what the system would entail and include in the new system.

3. Building The Roadmap

A roadmap refers to the system inputs to create a new system. It involves understanding what the system will deliver and when to deliver the goals. The road map would determine what is needed as input into the system, such as the type of data, data source, and other input activities to be involved in the data processing. 

The roadmap also involves creating and allocating roles and duties for the people to engage in. From the process, you will define what the customers, employees, managers, and regulators do. It will also define the stakeholders’ impact on the system. Further roles involve allocating roles and critical resources for every stakeholder. 

This phase helps create systems such as employee and customer portals. It further helps create other systems, such as communication systems, to facilitate stakeholder communication. Other activities involve the allocation of budget, creation of system features, and functionality of the system. It further includes creating system capabilities in terms of what it would offer.

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Workflow or working process, project progress, milestone or achievement tracking, work experience or journey concept, businessman using pencil to draw workflow line with achievement flag milestones.

4. System Implementation

With all the resources, features, capabilities, and roles defined, the next role is implementing the new system, which involves the team installing the new systems. The implementation stage involves eliminating the old system, installing the new one, training, informing relevant stakeholders, and other duties. 

The role further involves implementing all the system deliverables the system aims to achieve and ensuring all the features are running smoothly. In case of any challenges, the team will be involved in correcting any identifiable and potential errors. 


Greenfield implementation has different roles, such as organization success, development, and technological growth. However, to enjoy all these benefits, the team must follow all the guidelines, stages and include all the relevant stakeholders. After implementing the system, there must be constant updates and upgrades to make the system effective and efficient.

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