Ai Chat With PDFs! PDF Interaction in 2023


The development of technology and the developments in editing PDF files online have led to the production of more applications in this area for users. Thanks to this, online PDF editors that will maximize the user experience have started to take place on the market. The Ai Chat with PDF feature is also a useful assistant included among the PDF editing tools options of online PDF editors.

Ai Chat with PDF feature, which allows users to perform the operations they want more easily in PDF editing processes, has made it possible to perform all the editing operations in a minimum time. The working mechanism of this feature allows users to automatically perform the actions they want via chat or get the summary, paragraphs, and text narratives they want from a PDF document.

How Does AI Chat with PDF Tool Work?

Basically, the entire PDF document is scanned using the Ai Chat with PDF tool. Thanks to this process, it gains a functionality that can instantly provide users with the information they want. The unique features that this tool offers to users are as follows:

  • Adding annotations to PDF
  • Summarizing PDF file
  • Finding exact phrases from the PDF document
  • Replacing phrases in a file
  • Engaging and collaborating with any PDF

The Ai Chat with PDF feature reduces the process of working on a PDF document to a minimum time while providing answers to the questions or requests asked by users from the scanned documents. In addition, through online editors who also offer services as PDF viewers, it is possible to positively influence not only the editing processes but also the processes of working on documents and learning from documents, increasing process efficiency. Everyone can access the AI chat with PDF feature through online PDF editors to get detailed information about the contents of documents and greatly increase the efficiency they get from their work by conducting more detailed analyses.

The Best 5 Online PDF Editors One Can Use Ai Chat with PDF Feature With

To use the Ai chat with PDF feature, users can quickly log in to online PDF editors. To use an online PDF editor and its PDF editing tools, you just need to log in and complete the registration or membership process if necessary. The top 5 online PDF editors that include the Ai Chat with PDF feature that we have selected for you are as follows:

1. GoPDF

GoPDF is an online PDF editing platform that works in an AI-powered manner and also thanks to its cloud-based manner working discipline, users can access their online documents simultaneously from any device they want. OCR technology provided to the application users makes it possible to convert documents to digital documents in seconds, while it makes it possible to perform all kinds of editing operations that may be needed in a short time through the PDF editing tools it contains. The features that the application offers to users are:

  • Converting PDF to Word and JPG formats
  • Ai PDF Chat
  • Protecting PDFs by encrypting them
  • Merge, crop, and compress PDF
  • Searching and replacing phrases in PDF files
  • Adding infographics and many more images
  • Changing the font of the PDF file

The Ai Chat with PDF feature offered by the GoPDF platform to users scans the entire PDF file and responds to requests made by users through the chat section. The operations that you can perform via Ai Chat with the PDF feature are as follows:

  • Adding annotations to PDF file
  • Summarizing PDF
  • Engage with PDF
  • Replacing phrases in the PDF

Users can start editing operations instantly by taking advantage of GoPDF’s free options. They can register on the site or log in to the platform using their existing mail accounts.

2. AskYourPDF

The AskYourPDF platform, designed directly on the Ai Chat with a PDF theme, offers an experience where users can upload PDF files and then view the document. Through this platform, it is possible for users to simultaneously control everything necessary in the PDF file from the chat section within minutes. The application offers this service for free.

3. Popai 

Although it is not a platform that instantly offers services to users as an online PDF editor, Popai offers many services in the field of PDF editing and mainly serves under the title Ai Chat with PDF. The application acts as a PDF viewer and simultaneously offers summarizing and engagement with PDF features for users. In terms of supporting more than one language, the user experience shows a high performance.

4. PDFGear

PDFGear, which announces the Ai chat with PDF feature under the name ’copilot’, can be called a rich editor in terms of offering users various features such as viewing, collaboration, and summarizing PDF files together. It also includes various features such as page extraction, and highlighting.


The platform, which started serving its users as ClarifyPDF and has changed its name, enables the display and summarizing of PDF files by bringing the Ai chat feature to the forefront. The platform has a free-to-use option with limited features and rights.

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