Storage of data is vital in 2024. Security and accessibility are just two opposing challenges that need to be met in this growingly complex arena.
Organisations now find themselves having to manage, protect, and access the necessary information.
Hence, selecting an appropriate data storage solution is a lot of work and would certainly help if you started with a to-do list as there’s plenty to be looking into what they cover, such as:
In addition, the data storage landscape changes all the time, and new solutions and innovations appear day by day.
In this article, we look to give you enough quality information on data storage solutions to select in 2024.
The immediate aspect to think about when selecting a storage solution is the kind of solution and where and how you wish to store your data.
Each one has unique characteristics, but it’s down to preference most of the time.
Another critical decision to make is whether to store it in the cloud or go with an on-premise solution.
Just so we are clear…
Cloud storage is a service offered by the provider that allows an individual or business to store data on servers managed by a third party.
On-premise storage is a platform where data is stored in the locally owned and managed hardware and software solutions within the organisation.
Now let’s have a quick look at some of the downsides to using cloud storage for your business:
On-premise storage may be vulnerable to physical damage, theft, or natural disasters unless the organisation has adequate backup and recovery plans; there could be trouble ahead.
A hybrid solution combines both on-premise and cloud storage, trying to use the best from each type of storage at the same time.
A combination approach can be implemented whereby cloud storage is employed for not-so-sensitive or rarely accessed data while on-premises storage takes care of more sensitive or frequently required information.
Cloud storage can be a backup or a disaster recovery alternative for on-premise storage using a hybrid storage solution or vice versa.
It is a complex task to select the appropriate data storage solution in 2024 as it depends on several factors, including the type, volume, and usage of data alongside an organisation’s budget, objectives and preferences. We hope that by also pointing out the negative, it will give a clearer, objectional view of what your needs really are. Good luck!