The Essence of VPN Tunnel in Digital Transformation Initiatives


Digital transformation leverages innovation, such as new tools, apps, and software, to improve employee experience and customer satisfaction. The size of your business does not stop you from implementing digital transformation initiatives; even CIOs of Fortune 500 firms see the vital need to adopt digital transformation measures.

However, some CIOs are integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance data integrity and make it the input in what we can refer to as intelligence transformation instead of data being the output obtained in digital transformation. One problem an organization encounters every time it tries to adopt a new technology is that cybercriminals look for flaws in the innovation they can exploit to harm the organization.

The many devices organizations need to implement digital transformation can create entry points for hackers to exploit for nefarious activities; adopting the world’s best standard cybersecurity practices to mitigate cyber breaches has become crucial for a business that wants to survive and remain relevant in the highly competitive global market. A cybersecurity measure you can use to safeguard your devices and enhance privacy is the virtual private network (VPN).

For data to be worthwhile for an organization, it must maintain its integrity; one feature of the virtual private network that maximizes security and privacy is VPN tunneling.

What is VPN tunneling?

Any time you connect to a VPN to send your data and online activity through the internet, the procedure you use is known as tunneling; VPN tunneling ensures you can securely transfer data between your devices and the network, even if you use an insecure medium such as public Wi-Fi, ultimately ensuring your privacy. VPN tunneling shields your data by repackaging it into a different format.

Before VPN tunneling can function, you must subscribe to a VPN service provider who connects you and creates a VPN tunnel. Usually, you will need your internet service provider (ISP) to assign you an internet protocol (IP) address before you can connect to the net; your ISP can monitor and track your online activities and history. 

Since your VPN routes your online activities through one of its servers in any part of the world, it will be difficult for your ISP, hackers or any other third party to know where you are browsing. The VPN’s encrypting your web history and masking your IP address ensures that no one can track your online activities. Several VPN services insist on strict adherence to the no-logs policy, which illegalizes collecting and storing information about users’ online activities or identifying information. 

However, you need to do due diligence before subscribing to any VPN service; you must ensure the trustworthiness of the VPN through an independent audit or any other measure that can attest to the no-logs policy. When your device connects to the VPN, the VPN tunnel ensures your data passes through a secure channel.

Before you can transmit data through the VPN tunnel, it must be in the form of “packets” and then enveloped in them (in essence, another layer of data). What you have with VPN tunneling is like placing a letter inside an envelope; this tunneling conceals the data on the inside from others, including your Internet service provider, hackers, and any third party. 

Your VPN server strips off the outer layer of data when the packet reaches its destination, enabling you to access the data and boosting employees’ performance. In addition, the VPN tunnel enhances two-way traffic from the VPN server to your device, concealing the data inside the tunnel as it travels and ensuring no prying eyes can access it.

Advantages of VPN tunnel in digital transformation

 Advantages of VPN tunneling to digital transformation include:

  • VPN tunnel removes bottlenecks and preserving capacity by ensuring that some of your internet traffic doesn’t need to go through the VPN server, thereby increasing the internet speeds you need for effective digital transformation. 
  • Even when you connect to a local network, a VPN tunnel enables you to access a foreign network –  simultaneous access to several networks. You no longer need to connect and disconnect from your VPN if you want to access another network.
  • Your internet service provider (ISP) and other parties cannot see your original IP address when using a VPN tunnel; instead, they see an IP address that belongs to the VPN provider that many other customers share; this implies that no one will be able to identify your behavior as being your own and nobody can steal your innovative ideas for your digital transformation initiatives.
  • Using a VPN tunnel, you can shield your online activities from the prying eyes of your ISP, the government, and anybody else trying to monitor your online activities, especially on a free public Wi-Fi network.


The world needs data to progress; hackers are desirous to lay their hands on your data; innovations revolve around data in this digital age; in digital transformation, data is the output; you, therefore, don’t need to ask why you need VPN tunneling.

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