Have you ever come across the number 4808053329? What is your experience with this number? Is it fake or a legitimate call? All these are the necessary questions that come to mind of many people regarding this number, and we are here to solve all your problems regarding 4808053329 and make it easy for you to make the correct decision before taking a call from such a number.
Many people say that 4808053329 is a fake financial services loan scam call from the Philippines. They are asking for personal information, and the major reason to do this is to steal your credit card, social security numbers, and sometimes bank account details as well.
We have to deal with such scams many times in life, and people should aware of the scam calls to be aware and become careful not to receive the call. Some people say the caller from such a number is a fake debt collector threatening the debt you don’t owe. They also offer to lower the interest rate on credit cards or fake student loans. Sometimes, calls from the number 4808053329 offer you a fake home equity loan based on a request that you don’t have the option to inquire. The call starts with a recorded message, and the caller identity shows that it is a call from the Philippines.
Most of the time, the caller says the scammer tells them you have a good credit history, and that’s why they are offering lower interest rates on personal and business loans. For that purpose, they are asking for personal information such as credit card, PIN, and other details.
Other major information related to this number is that 480 is an area code within Arizona, and the major counties that come under this area code are as follows:
Major countries that come under this code are:
Chandler | Fountain Hills |
Gilbert | Mesa |
Paradise Valley | Scottsdale |
Tempe | Sun Lakes |
People who experience calls from such numbers as 4808053329 give us information related to these numbers and, according to all reports regarding this particular number, say that it is a scam number with no such authority. They said there was nothing serious about this call and that most of the time, callers get silent on the other end. According to all these reports and our personal experience, we say that it is a scam call. We recommend you not to receive the call to be on the safe side and to avoid scams. There is no need to pick up the call for safety reasons.
It might be malware that can infect your phone and stop it from working. So, the best way to keep your mobile or phone safe is to avoid the call and never click on any spammy link you have received from 4808053329 and trash it immediately.
Some people report it to be a telemarketer call that can be a nuisance. Such types of calls are always irritating and cause frustration. But we can save ourselves and others by raising awareness against such irritating calls. The safety guide and preventive measures we should follow are as follows:
There are some precautionary measures that are necessary to be safe from these fraud numbers are as follows:
All information related to 4808053329 is discussed in this topic in detail. The guidance provided in this article will be helpful to be safe from unwanted calls and being scammed by scammers. Take all the precautionary measures to be safe from unwanted calls and keep your loved ones away and safe from these numbers. Acting on these preventive measures and safety guidelines, you will never be a victim of such tricky scams.