How to Hire Offshore Laravel Developers


Laravel stands out as a widely acclaimed PHP framework for crafting web applications, renowned for its eloquent coding style, extensive functionality, and expansive ecosystem. With Laravel’s ongoing evolution, numerous enterprises are actively seeking adept Laravel developers to construct and uphold their Laravel-powered projects.

While there are many talented Laravel developers locally, hiring offshore can give you access to an even larger talent pool while benefiting from cheaper wages. However, hiring offshore developers remotely comes with its own challenges.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll share tips on how to effectively hire Laravel developers that can help you augment your team with top talent across the globe.

Defining Your Laravel Development Needs

First, you need to start by clearly defining your development needs and outlining the must-have technical skills as well as soft skills you’re looking for.

Some key factors to outline:

  • Laravel version and specific features needed – newer versions have features older ones lack.
  • Type of product – web app, e-commerce site, SaaS etc. The developer must have relevant experience.
  • Scope of work – new development, maintenance of existing code, enhancements etc.
  • Timeline – deadline for MVP or project completion so they can commit. 
  • Team size needed – clearly outline if you need a single developer or a team.
  • Must have technical skills – OOP concepts, Laravel frameworks, databases, front-end etc. 
  • Soft skills – communication, collaboration, discipline etc. 

Having a clear picture allows you to screen candidates for fit better.

Hiring Laravel Developers

Once your requirements are defined, you can start looking for Laravel developers. Here are some tips:

  • Look for 2-3 years of hands-on Laravel experience for mid-level and 5+ years for senior roles.
  • Review code samples on GitHub to judge skills in Laravel and PHP.
  • Test expertise in Laravel tools like Blade, Eloquent, Composer etc.
  • Evaluate experience with web fundamentals – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, APIs etc.
  • Assess understanding of MySQL, Redis, other databases used with Laravel.
  • Examine knowledge of web hosting, version control, performance optimization etc. 
  • Hire specialists for front-end and back-end roles versus generalists. 
  • Certifications in Laravel can demonstrate deeper knowledge.

The key is finding developers with proven expertise in Laravel-based development. Their experience should match your project scope and needs.

Where to Find Laravel Developers

There are several platforms you can leverage to find offshore Laravel talent:

  • Freelance Sites – Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, Freelancer and Total have pools of qualified freelancers. You can post your project and have candidates apply.
  • Staffing Agencies – Firms like X-Team hire and retain talent that they contract out. This provides some vetting.
  • Developer Communities – Exploring GitHub, Stack Overflow Jobs, LinkedIn groups can surface capable developers.
  • Personal Referrals – People within your network could recommend candidates.
  • Attending Meetups – You may find leads by attending local Laravel meetups and conferences. 
  • In-house Training – Building a team by training less experienced developers on Laravel can also work.

Each option has its own pros and cons you’ll want to weigh.

Vetting Candidates Carefully

Once you have a list of promising candidates, you need to vet them thoroughly to ensure they have the requisite skills.

Steps for vetting include:

  • Screen resumes for relevant Laravel work experience. At least 2-3 years is recommended.
  • Review code samples from GitHub or previous work to gauge skills. Measure complexity.
  • Conduct technical interviews to assess hard skills – test OOP grasp, language fluency, Laravel knowledge etc.
  • Evaluate communication skills through calls or video chats. Check proficiency and clarity.
  • Give small paid test projects to assess performance and capabilities firsthand.
  • Speak to references to get insights into work ethic, style, and reliability.
  • Verify credentials like degrees, certifications, awards etc.
  • Assess cultural fit and ability to work collaboratively. 

The vetting process takes time but is crucial. It’s better to have a smaller pool of qualified candidates than a large pool of underqualified ones.

Offshore Development Centers

Another option is partnering with an offshore development center in India that has dedicated Laravel teams. These centers function as an extension of your team. Pros of this route:

  • Get on-demand access to entire teams of specialized Laravel talent.
  • Development centers have rigorous recruiting and training programs.
  • You can scale teams up or down more flexibly.
  • Centered provide dedicated office space, infrastructure. 
  • They have established methodologies and quality assurance practices.
  • Communication and collaboration are streamlined through a single partner.
  • Costs can be lower compared to hiring individual freelancers.

The key is choosing an established center with proven expertise in Laravel development. They effectively act as your satellite office.

Negotiating Pricing and Payment Terms

When working with offshore talent, you need to negotiate favorable pricing and payment terms:

  • Understand hourly or monthly rates for Laravel work based on experience levels.
  • Be clear on payment model – fixed price, hourly or dedicated team. Outline payment schedule and milestones.
  • Many will quote low prices to win projects but need more time to deliver. Focus on fair pricing.  
  • Use escrow payments through Milestone or Freelancer for larger projects to mitigate risk.
  • Make sure to make full upfront payments. Break into smaller milestones tied to deliverables.
  • Have clear penalty clauses for missed deadlines or buggy code.
  • Require a certain number of free bug fixes or refinements.
  • Talk through how potential scope creep will be handled. 
  • Agree on mode – wire transfer, PayPal, checks etc. Factor in transfer fees.

The goal is to get quality work while paying a fair rate. Disreputable developers often underbid projects and then fail to deliver.

Defining Engagement Models and Communication

Having open channels of communication is key when working remotely. You should:

  • Establish daily standups via Slack or Skype for status updates.
  • Use project management software like Jira, Trello, or Asana to track issues and progress.
  • Require them to document code properly for your developers.  
  • Set up cloud-based repository on GitHub or Bit Bucket for source code.
  • Agree on reporting structure and formats for billing and invoices.
  • Have them be available during your business hours for questions.
  • Set response time expectations for emails or messages. 

Clear communication protocols avoid misaligned expectations that remote work may cause.

Cultural Sensitivity and Time Zone Compatibility: 

Certainly, here’s the information presented in bullet points for easy reference:

  • Foster a culture of understanding and flexibility when collaborating with offshore developers, especially if they are in distant time zones.
  • Promote sensitivity within your team towards diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Adjust work schedules to ensure reasonable working hours for both your team and the offshore developers.
  • Aim to prevent communication breakdowns and maintain a harmonious working relationship, even when separated by geographical distances.

Managing and Evaluating Their Performance

You need to measure productivity and output to ensure the engagement remains successful:

  • Set well-defined KPIs and metrics for deliverables to track progress. Enforce deadlines.
  • Establish QA protocols – code reviews, testing processes etc. to maintain quality.
  • Schedule regular 1:1s and feedback sessions to communicate needs proactively.
  • Monitor productivity with time trackers to keep them accountable.
  • Create development roadmaps and product requirements for direction.
  • Be ready to replace underperforming developers quickly if need be.
  • Have them work closely with your team rather than siloed.

Managing remote talent well is important to keep projects on track. This takes some oversight.

Key Takeaways

Hiring offshore Laravel developers can help expand your talent pool and access specialized skills at a lower cost. However, you need to take steps to find, vet, negotiate with and manage remote talent effectively. Outlining your needs clearly, vetting carefully, having solid contracts and communication protocols are musts. You can scale your team productively with the right offshore developers or offshore development center. Just allocate time for the hiring process and ongoing management. With the above tips, you’re well positioned to build your offshore Laravel team successfully.

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