A number of Las Vegas truck and car accident cases appear on the news channel. Some of the most catastrophic of them are rollover accidents. In rollover accidents, the vehicle turns over onto its roof or the side. Such accidents kill over 10,000 US citizens annually. Lightweight vehicles are more vulnerable to these types of accidents.
In most cases, rollover accidents are vehicles that lose control due to their high center of gravity. The reasons may include the high speed of the vehicle, bad road conditions, uneven ground, or some other hazard. If you or someone you know has been in such an accident, it is possible that the other party is liable. Consulting with a las vegas rollover accident attorney can help you find the truth and get justice.
Rollover accidents are catastrophic and can cause both short-term and long-term injuries. The biggest risk with such types of accidents is that they leave your body completely vulnerable. You may get into a situation where you cannot move your body and get stuck.
Here are the most common injuries resulting from a rollover accident:
Rollover collisions often occur when a vehicle overturns, typically after one of its tires strikes an obstacle like a curb or soft soil. There could be many reasons behind a rollover accident. These may include the following:
Vehicles with a higher center of gravity are particularly prone to rollovers, for example, SUVs and minivans. This is especially true for cases where the vehicle is flawed. Additionally, negligence by other drivers or poor weather conditions can further increase the risk of a rollover accident.
If you get into a rollover accident, the good news is that you can file a court case and get the compensation you need for your medical injuries and other damages. Victims usually resort to insurance claims at first. If there are not enough funds, your attorney may recommend taking the case to trial.
You can recover two types of damages– economic and non-economic. Here is a list of what you can recover: