Exude elegance and versatility in your Home with Kit Kat Tiles


After getting that dream job of yours, you were assured that you wanted a house, a house that would help you build up the image that you always wanted. With all the hard work and some loan, you got the house. At this point, you might as well think about how you want to decorate your house, but in the most cost-effective way possible. If you are worried but have no clue, well then this is the absolute station. In this article we shall be exploring tiles and flooring options like green Kit Kat tiles, white Kit Kat tiles and other statement yet cost-effective pieces which will help you elevate, add elegance and stand out of the box. The following article will help you chalk out ideas which suit the overall outlook of your house and invest in those options that will help you leave a powerful impact among your friends group.

Highlighting the features of your house

In this section of the article, we shall talk about different pieces and chunks that you can have in your house which can help you to elevate and of course, are cost-effective.

  • Investing in floorings: as the name suggests the first thing that you need to invest in are flooring options. What are these flooring options you ask? Well, these are options like tiles and marbles, and some of the most trending tiles are green kit Kat tiles, white kit Kat tiles, and all other kinds of tiles which you think can work for you.
  • Statement pieces: remember the last time you visited your friend’s house, and that very painting of Starry Night by Van Gogh was killing the scene. But that is way out of your budget right? So you do a statement piece and place it in a way which can add the oomph to your house. There are several ways in which you can decorate one of your walls. For example, by using White Kit-kat tilesyou can decorate the house in a way which can be the center of attraction. To decorate it even more, you might as well try to use LED light and other forms of lighting which can be used to enhance the lighting for the same.
  • Walls: At this point, you might have thought of painting your walls with the best type of color, or even drawing pictures of anything from your creative corner. But what if we tell you to use Green Kit-kat and white Kit kat tiles on your walls. With a wider range of versatility, both green kit Kat tiles, white kit Kat tiles or any other tile for the same can make hat particular corner of the house elevated. You can plan and design the setting or the arrangement of the house in a way where both the natural light and the light of the house are falling relentlessly.
  • Energy appliances: Whenever we talk about cost-effective appliances for your house, you often think and limit your thinking to walls and flooring options, but have you ever thought of hand-made accessories that can complement your house. There are small hurricane-like lamps which can be hung next to the walls made of green Kit Kat tiles, blue, pink or even white Kit Kat tilesThis will not only help you add that extra tinge of light but these hand-made hurricanes are made of sustainable materials which do not hamper the environment for not too long.
  • Bathroom: Once you are done with the walls and all the other kinds of advances at home, think of the bathroom walls and flooring option. Now, your bathroom is your open canvas as you have all the rights and liberty to decorate it. Thinking from the creative corner there are two things that you can do. First, you can combine the two kinds of tiles, like one set on the bathroom walls and another kind of set on the bathroom floor. For example, white Kit-Kat tiles could be on the walls and the flooring can be made of marble. So amalgamate, and assimilate the floorings accordingly.
  • Kitchen walls and tiles: this is something which you need to be very careful of. As we all know this is the place which is majorly known for all the hot mess, concoctions of spices and hot oils theory. This is also the place which takes less time to get stained. So what do you do? You choose cost-effective methods, like green kit-kat walls, do not go for white as they get soiled easily. You can go for any colors that you like and paint as you like.


While wrapping up this article, this can be said that green kit kat tiles, white kit kat tiles or any other color tiles are cost-effective and most importantly they are versatile. Using them as the focal point could be helpful, and you can get the desired elegance that you always wanted. So choose your tiles effectively and follow your own color theory.

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